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$-0.58 EPS Expected for MongoDB, Inc. (MDB); MACAU LEGEND DEVELOPMENT LTD. HKD …

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August 6, 2018 – By Ash Reddy

Analysts expect MongoDB, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDB) to report $-0.58 EPS on September, 5.After having $-0.58 EPS previously, MongoDB, Inc.’s analysts see 0.00% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.55% or $0.32 during the last trading session, reaching $57.89. About 583,841 shares traded. MongoDB, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDB) has 0.00% since August 6, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 12.57% the S&P500. Some Historical MDB News: 10/05/2018 – WHALE ROCK CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC REPORTS 28.74 PCT STAKE IN MONGODB INC AS OF MAY 8, 2018; 13/03/2018 – MongoDB Sees FY19 Adj Loss/Shr $1.66-Adj Loss/Shr $1.62; 03/05/2018 – MongoDB Closes Above 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 13/03/2018 – MONGODB INC – SEES 2019 REVENUE OF $211.0 MILLION TO $215.0 MILLION; 22/04/2018 – DJ MongoDB Inc Class A, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (MDB); 13/03/2018 – MongoDB 4Q Rev $45M; 13/03/2018 – MongoDB Sees 1Q Adj Loss/Shr 44c-Adj Loss/Shr 43c; 10/05/2018 – WHALE ROCK CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC SAYS MAY ENGAGE IN DISCUSSIONS WITH MONGODB’S BOARD CONCERNING POTENTIAL BUSINESS COMBINATIONS AND STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES; 29/05/2018 – WHALE ROCK CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC REPORTS 16.05 PCT PASSIVE STAKE IN MONGODB INC AS OF MAY 24 – SEC FILING; 18/04/2018 – FB: Facebook says its investigating this improper collection of user data. After TechCrunch brought it to MongoDB’s attention, it shut down the offending JavaScript tracker

MACAU LEGEND DEVELOPMENT LTD. HKD ORDINA (OTCMKTS:MALDF) had a decrease of 11.22% in short interest. MALDF’s SI was 5.58M shares in August as released by FINRA. Its down 11.22% from 6.29M shares previously. The SI to MACAU LEGEND DEVELOPMENT LTD. HKD ORDINA’s float is 0.13%. It closed at $0.176 lastly. It is down 0.00% since August 6, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 12.57% the S&P500.

Another recent and important MongoDB, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDB) news was published by which published an article titled: “Why MongoDB, Inc. Shares Jumped 67% Higher In the First Half of 2018” on July 11, 2018.

MongoDB, Inc. operates as a general purpose database platform worldwide. The company has market cap of $2.93 billion. It offers MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, a subscription package for enterprise clients to run in the cloud or in a hybrid environment; MongoDB Atlas, a cloud hosted database-as-a-service solution; Community Server, a free-to-download version of its database, which includes the functionality that developers need to get started with MongoDB; and MongoDB Stitch, a backend-as-a-service designed to simplify application development. It currently has negative earnings. The firm also provides professional services, such as consulting and training.

Macau Legend Development Limited, an investment holding company, owns entertainment and casino gaming facilities. The company has market cap of $1.10 billion. The firm operates through Gaming and Non-Gaming divisions. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s principal properties include The Landmark Macau, an integrated hotel, casino, and luxury shopping complex located in Macau; and Macau FishermanÂ’s Wharf, a waterfront integrated gaming, hotel, convention, and entertainment complex that includes a cultural facility, a canopied open-air shopping area, a dining and entertainment colonnade, a yacht club at the marina, and other facilities located on the outer harbor of the Macau Peninsula, as well as Savan Vegas hotel and entertainment complex in the Lao PeopleÂ’s Democratic Republic.

MongoDB, Inc. (NASDAQ:MDB) Ratings Chart

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Article originally posted on mongodb google news. Visit mongodb google news

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