The companies that had tightly packed the technology they had developed through “patents …

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Open source established as the foundation of modern industry Red Hat, Mongo DB, Ho-Pae, etc.
ID Tech company Hopae's digital identity authentication solution is a third-generation digital identity technology that cannot be falsified and escaped privacy infringement problems, enabling easy and convenient identity authentication. [Picture = Hoppae]
ID Tech company Hopae’s digital identity authentication solution is a third-generation digital identity technology that cannot be falsified and escaped privacy infringement problems, enabling easy and convenient identity authentication. [Picture = Hoppae]

The companies that had tightly packed the technology they had developed through “patents” have changed. Open Source, which discloses important technologies and even detailed codes so that anyone can see them, is becoming the basis of a new industry in the software (SW) market.

Open source is free, but many companies are looking for ways to generate revenue through this, creating a business model and even generating revenue.

The U.S. Red Hat is a representative. Red Hat is a global provider of enterprise open-source solutions, including Linux, Cloud, Container, Kubernetes, and more. Red Hat developed an enterprise-class Linux distribution to introduce a subscription model and ensure thorough quality control and long-term support. Later in 1999, IBM loaded Red Hat Linux on corporate servers, and various Wall Street financial institutions also began introducing Red Hat to reduce costs.

Since the first premium enterprise Linux launch in 2002, it became the first open-source technology company to surpass $1 billion in sales in 2012, and IBM acquired Red Hat in 2019 for about $34 billion, the largest in the history of the software company’s acquisition. In particular, Red Hat currently accounts for about 17.5% of IBM’s total actual system sales. This is a significant increase from 9.2% at the time of the acquisition in 2019, meaning Red Hat has a growing share of IBM’s software division.

MongoDB is an open-source database-based cloud service provider. Having grown around the developer community, MongoDB has established a monetization model, providing enterprises including advanced security features, audit functions, and professional support services, operating certification programs.

Since then, it has attracted $150 million from its Series F investment in 2013 and attracted more than 30 customers among the top Fortune 500 companies in 2014. MongoDB’s sales as of the third quarter of 2024 amounted to about 580 billion won.

Companies based on excellent open-source technology are also emerging in Korea. ID Tech company Hopae, which provides digital identity authentication solutions, uses open source as a market entry strategy. The open-source code created by the Hopae team has more than 2 million global downloads and is actively used for various projects.

According to the Software Policy Research Institute, the global open source market is expected to grow from $27.7 billion (about 38.4 trillion won) in 2022 to 75.2 billion dollars (about 104.2 trillion won) in 2028.

Article originally posted on mongodb google news. Visit mongodb google news

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