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Aerospike is a real-time data platform company.
In an era when real-time data streaming companies are fond of giving away promo t-shirts emblazoned with phrases like – Is Batch Dead? – (spoiler alert, you’re supposed to say yes, it is) we can dig into most real-time data science tales with comparatively keen ears, arguably i.e. this is a technology very much of the time and of the moment.
So what’s new at Aerospike?
The firm has now come forward with the release of Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch, which, as happenstance would have it, is an Aerospike connection and integration technology to extend the organisation’s core platform functionalities with Elasticsearch, the free and open source search and analytics technology based upon the Lucene library.
The new connector enables developers and data architects to leverage (Ed: do they mean ‘use’?) Elasticsearch to perform fast full-text-based searches on real-time data stored in Aerospike Database 6, the company’s database.
Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch comes on the back of what the company has already stated as a commitment to deliver search and analytics capabilities for its data layer.
The new connector enables fast, full-text searches on data – and complements the recently announced Aerospike SQL powered by Starburst product, which allows users to perform large-scale SQL analytics queries on data stored in Aerospike Database 6.
With a list of capabilities, including JSONPath Query support on Aerospike Database 6, Aerospike customers now have a variety of options to choose from to power their search and analytics use cases.
“With enterprises around the world rapidly adopting [real-time data platforms], there is a growing demand for high-speed and highly reliable full-text search capabilities on data stored in Aerospike Database 6,” said Subbu Iyer, CEO of Aerospike. “Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch unlocks new frontiers of fast, predictably performant full-text search, which is critical to meet our customers’ needs.”
Full-text-search for real-time data
Using Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch, architects and developers can integrate Aerospike’s SQL database with Elasticsearch to enable a wide range of full-text search-based use cases such as:
- E-commerce: enriched customer experience that increases shopping cart size.
- Customer Support: enhanced self-service and reduced service delivery costs.
- Workplace Applications: unified search across multiple productivity tools.
- Website Experience: faster access to resources and increased site conversions.
- Federal: Smart cities will experience better results in maintaining mission-critical real-time applications.
Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch adds to the list of connectors into enterprise data pipelines as part of the Aerospike Connect product line. With customers successfully using connectors for Kafka, Pulsar, Spark and Presto-Trino, Aerospike insists its customers now have more choices.