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Docker Announces Docker Application Guides

MMS Founder

Article originally posted on InfoQ. Visit InfoQ

Docker recently announced Docker Application Guides, which demonstrates how to deploy applications on Docker Enterprise Edition (Docker EE) and Docker Desktop, providing architecture examples and guidance for selecting container images and deploying prototype applications, orchestrated by Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.

Docker Application Guides is part of the outcome of Docker’s Modernize Traditional Applications (MTA) program, whose goal is to take existing applications that are running in enterprise organizations and bring them to Docker, without extensive rewrites or refactoring.

The first Docker Application Guides cover two scenarios, an Oracle WebLogic application with Oracle Database and an IBM MQ with WebSphere Liberty sample stack on either Docker Desktop or Docker EE. In addition, instructions for orchestrating with both Docker Swarm or Kubernetes are provided.

The Oracle WebLogic application with Oracle Database guide illustrates how Docker EE can be used to deploy Oracle WebLogic Server running the MedRec (Avitek Medical Records) sample application with the Oracle Database.

Oracle WebLogic is an J2EE based application server for developing and deploying multi-tier distributed enterprise applications. Oracle Database is a relational database management system. Developers can take advantage of Docker’s benefits (isolation, portability, ability to automate development), as both WebLogic and Oracle database are running in containers.

MedRec is a sample Java EE application shipped with WebLogic Server that simulates a centralized medical record management system, providing a framework for patients, doctors, and administrators to manage patient data using a variety of different clients.

Both Oracle WebLogic and Oracle Database are certified to run on Docker containers, and images are available in the Docker Store.

The following diagram represents the Oracle WebLogic, Oracle Database, and MedRec application architecture on Docker EE:

The IBM MQ with WebSphere Liberty guide illustrates how Docker EE can be used to deploy an IBM MQ service communicating between two applications running on separate instances of WebSphere Liberty.

IBM MQ is a messaging solution for Enterprise and IBM’s Message Oriented Middleware, which allows applications to communicate with each other across multiple systems. WebSphere Liberty is a Java application server, built on the open source Open Liberty project.

The following diagram represents the architecture of these applications communicating with IBM MQ on Docker:

Docker Enterprise is available at the Docker Store. Developers who want to build and test applications on their own machines can get Docker Desktop for macOS or Windows.

More details can be found at Docker Success Center.

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