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Popularity of software programs for data science using recent reviews

MMS Founder

Article originally posted on Data Science Central. Visit Data Science Central

In this article we discuss popularity of various software programs used for data analysis which are mentioned in various reviews published online in the period between 2017 and 2018. We used 14 reviews listed in the article Popularity of software programs for data science using recent reviews. We have extracted names of software programs mentioned in these reviews and created a word cloud using the Online Word Cloud Program by J.Davies. The result of this analysis is shown in the above image. First 5 positions belong to Orange, DataMelt, RapidMiner, Knime and Weka. However, we should mention that our word count analysis does not reflect the actual number of the users of these programs. This analysis may indicate that the popularity of programs for data science often correlates with their free availability.

Complete article is available under the link Popularity of software programs for data science using recent reviews.

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