Presentation: From Smoothie Architecture to Layer Cake with Durable Execution

MMS Founder
MMS Sergey Bykov

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Bykov: I’m going to be talking about durable execution, what it is, what the programming model is like, the benefits and tradeoffs, and how it fits in the whole landscape of cloud native. If we talk about cloud native, the following properties come in mind, we want to be able to add, remove hardware to increase, decrease capacity, like scalability. We want to run on imperfect hardware that can fail and will continue to run, especially when we remove hardware, we have to be fault tolerant at any point. We want to have systems built out of loosely coupled components that can be developed, deployed service independently, but different teams that we can scale out our development organization. We want to evolve fast, like people get frustrated when they cannot get their code in production in a few hours, a few minutes. We want to enable this fast innovation by loosely coupled teams to move forward. This is like high level interdependent and overlapping consorts in some degree because you cannot be scalable or not fault tolerant. You cannot evolve fast if you’re tightly coupled. This is the blob of concerns at the very high non-functional level. If we look from an engineering perspective, we deal with a set of concerns that we need to deal with when we write code. We need to implement business logic, because that’s the whole point of solving business problems. State is just a fancy word for data. Applications are about data, we have to manage it. When we have these decoupled systems, loosely coupled systems, then they access state, we have to deal with concurrency, with race conditions, consistency, and all of those things, and of course failures.

My mental picture when I look at this is fault tolerance transcends, goes through all of these other concerns, because failures come in all different ways: when we talk to other systems, when there are bugs, when there are race conditions, when there are corruptions of state. This domain has been interesting for me for many years, because the failures is how we perceive imperfections of a system. In particular, I’ve always been interested in developer experience, like how do we write less code? How do we write code that is cleaner, that is more powerful? How do we make us more productive and enjoy doing that in the process?

Execution of Business Logic

Let’s look at an intentionally contrived example of a function that implements some business logic to process a request. We receive some arguments, I call this, function handler, we see the x and y, and then we need to call some function foo, pass an argument, get the result assigned to variable a. Then call another function bar, likewise, get the result, and then compute something in return and some business logic. If everything was performed locally within the process on memory, that’s trivial, that will take nanoseconds, will return the result. The chance of failure is really slim. If the machine crashes, there’s nothing we could do there anyway. In reality, these calls are usually calls to other APIs, other systems, other services, whether they’re microservices or not, doesn’t matter. They leave our process, they leave our memory, and things are much less ideal, because these calls can fail, they can time out, they can just take time. We’re dealing with these integrations with other systems that are outside of our control. Because we have to wait for these calls, and we get partial results, we have to manage state. These variables that are in this code, they actually represent handling up state, like these variables a and b, like where is a stored after we called foo? If the bar fails, what happens to a? C is ok because local computation, but still, how do we manage state?

The straightforward approach is RPC, remote procedure call, where we have a client that sends a request to our server. We make a call to one service like foo, make another call, everything succeeds, we return result, everyone is happy. If a call to one of these services fail, we pretty much do nothing, we just return an error to our caller, say, it failed. Very simple. There’s value in simplicity. Very simple, beautiful model in a way, but we push the whole problem to our caller. In some scenarios, that’s perfectly reasonable and what we want. If I’m a caller, and I know what I’m doing, I can tell you, please return error, don’t do anything if it failed. In many scenarios, actual error calls would prefer us to deal with these errors. For example, if they’re transient, if there is a service unavailable or if there’s throttling, like we got 429, what do I do as a caller with 429? There’s nothing I can do. I used Go syntax. It’s essentially the same code as in the previous slide where we call these functions, and we return in case of any errors, very simple.

Persistent Queues

To deal with these problems, people move to using queues as a reliability mechanism. Of course, we’ve all done that. What happens here, instead of calling the service directly, the caller puts a message in the queue. Once the message is recorded, that’s ack by the queuing system client, the caller is happy because the queue guarantees that the message will not be lost. They will be delivered eventually to the processor. It travels to the head of the queue. Then we read it in our server process, and we start executing. Again, one service calls another one. If something fails, we don’t delete the message from the queue. Even if our processor fails, we restart, message is still in the queue, we read it again, we make another call. Eventually we delete the message. From the coding perspective, it’s the same handler code on the left-hand side, but we just need, it’s almost like pseudocode, a function that will read the message, try to call our handler. If it succeeds, sometimes returns the result if needed, and then delete the message. That really is good.

Lily Mara talked about this transformation, they move from synchronous to asynchronous processing by moving from RPC to queues. She talked about the challenges. One big challenge they ran into with a single customer essentially clogging the queues, because queues cannot be realistically done per user or per customer, they always have shared partitions. If some messages get stuck because they cannot be processed, they back up whole queues. Another problem with this is that there’s very little visibility in what’s going on. How do we know what’s the status of this message? How do you know how many times will you try to process it? The worst in that, this is just like one hop where this one service, the service call, that service may be calling another service and also to the queues, and then another one, and you have this chain of queues that can be backed up. When everything is working fine, it’s good, but when something gets stuck, it’s very difficult to figure out what’s going on, what is happening where. This architecture, sometimes referred to as duct tape architecture, we have this duct tapes between services that connect them. If I go back to my mental picture, essentially, we have these components, business logic, state management, integrations with other systems, all mixed up as these fruits and vegetables in the big blender. That’s what we call smoothie architecture. All these concerns are mixed together in small pieces, intermixed in one big piece of code that we have. For example, if we were to replace the business logic, we want to check this strawberry out and put cherry, it’s very difficult because we need to find all the pieces of strawberry in our blender, remove them, and then blend the cherry instead. It’s a metaphor, but you’ve dealt with this code. It used to be called spaghetti, but I think this is a more appropriate illustration. What I argue we need is the layered cake where all these concerns, they’re put in separate layers. Then if we need to replace business logic, we just take a replacement layer and we don’t have to be concerned with touching and breaking other, for example, integration or layers for a system. Likewise, if want to change something in our integrations, particular external service, we don’t have to go into business logic and change the logic there.

Durable Execution

Durable execution, what is it? It’s a model that’s implemented by a family of technologies. For example, AWS has this simple workflow system, which is available as an external service you can build the application with, but also, it’s heavily used internally for things like orchestration of internal infrastructure. Then Azure has this Azure Durable Function as an extension of Azure Functions, also a popular service. Uber has the open source project, Cadence. I got an email from a recruiter from Uber saying, we have this opportunity with open source project, Cadence, and it actually powers more than 1000 services at Uber. I was surprised because the last figure I heard was 300. Between then and now, they built even more, several hundred services. Temporal is a fork of Cadence. All these technologies were created by a couple of brains that are co-founders of the company I work for. These are various implementation, the same ideas. I’ll use Temporal syntax and terminology, but it applies across the board. It’s the same, just easy to be consistent.

In a durable execution, we don’t send a request unlike an RPC, we don’t say, process this. We start a workflow. This is like an example, one line, ExecuteWorkflow, provide workflow type. In this case, it’s FooBar, the same function. I used some options, optional IDs. That’s how we start this operation. Everything in that sense, is a workflow. What is a workflow? It’s a very old term that’s been used since at least the ’70s. I pulled this from the seminal book by Phil Bernstein and Eric Newcomer, where they have this interesting definition. They say, the term workflow is a commonly used synonym for the concept of a business process, which is like almost a circle of logic. In reality, they were forged as a set of steps that gets us to our goal. There is some business goal to achieve, something we process. We need to go through a bunch of steps, and then we’re done with the process. That’s a very simple concept. You can think of it as a workflow is a transaction without these ACID guarantees. It’s durable, very durable, but it doesn’t have atomicity, isolation guarantees. Consistency is eventual. Another example would be like Sagas is a popular pattern, you can think Saga is this special subset of workflows and steps. Despite that, it sounds like guarantees are very lose, there’s no ACID guarantees inside durability. It’s actually a very powerful concept. I’m going to explain why and how it works.

Workflow implementation looks similar to what we have in our basic function, except we have this different syntax. One part is we have this workflow.prefixes, think of them as syscalls. We’ll make a call into the system, we prefix it with that. You’ll see why later as I explain how things work. The other thing that you notice here, instead of calling the function foo and bar directly, we wrap them in this ExecuteActivity. Activity is the second fundamental primitive in durable execution, this workflow is a business process, and there is activity with this stateless action we execute. We call some other system, that’s an activity. We wrap it this way, so that we can do much more magic there than just calling a function. You will probably ask a couple of obvious questions like, so what happens if the foo gets a transient error, like we got service unavailable or some plain error? There is no code here to deal with that. It’s exactly why we need to wrap our functions because all these retries happen, they’re done by the runtime, by the system. Because what do we want to do when we get a throttling error? Generally, we want to wait a little bit and retry. Then if we get throttled again, we want to wait a little bit longer, so we want to have exponential backoff up to some reasonable limit and keep retrying. That’s exactly what the system can do. We just need to specify a policy, global or for a particular call, and we don’t need to write code for that. Because at the end of the day, we want separation to succeed.

Another question you might ask, so what happens if we called foo and then the process crashed? What happens? For that, we need to look at how actually things work under the covers. It’s counterintuitive as it may sound, the server in durable execution does not execute application code at all. Application code runs in this worker processes that are managed at the application side. There’s a very clean separation between logic of the application and the whole system. When there is a request from the client to start a workload at one line, and show the start of workflow execution, what the server does is it creates a workflow document, with all the parameters to record what was asked, like workflow ID or parameters. Persistent in the database, of course. Then it sends a command to workflow worker and say, start workflow execution. Because it uses the SDK, the runtime, the worker process, it essentially starts executing our function, that handler. It starts executing it and gets to the point where we want to invoke activity foo. Instead of invoking it, it will call the command, an instruction to this server under the covers, that line of code. That’s why we need to wrap it in a special syntax. It sends a command back to the server. What the server does is record this intent, that there is an intent to execute activity foo with these parameters, and this execution policy for retries. Then it turns around and sends a task back to activity workers. Workers can be bundled all together, or they can be separate, like workers for workflow logic, workers for activity logic, workflows for different workflow types and activity types. They can be managed in any way. When worker process starts, it registers with this server, so server knows where to send a task to execute foo. Say, there is a worker that implements foo, and they send the command. The worker gets the command, and then makes a call. Call successfully completes. Then a response to the server saying, this is the result. This is the output I got, which gets recorded by the server in the database, and as part of the command there’s an optimization, there is a request, a command for the next activity, in our case bar. Again, it turns around, the same happens, try to make a call, and let’s say this call fails, or maybe our worker crashes, or even the whole system can go down. It doesn’t really matter, because when we recover, the server will keep trying to send this task and say execute bar, execute bar, this is the argument. A new worker process that receives this command, it replaces. It gets to the point of executing bar, and then starts executing from that bar. Foo never gets re-executed, because it’s already completed. Its input and outputs are recorded in the system. When we execute the bar successfully, again, the same happens, we record on the server. Workflow completes. That’s where workflow successfully completed. You see why we need these syscalls, they intercept our intent. They can be recorded in this server. Also, they can inject when we execute code, instead of making a call to foo again, it injects the output right away, so we bypass execution to make it efficient.

All this stuff, they get recorded in actual document called workflow history. On the left-hand side, there is an abbreviated version, a business view of execution. At the bottom there are two activities that we executed, with their results and inputs, and all of that. On the right-hand side, there is a full history of execution with 17 steps starting from server pool execution to complete workflow execution for everything. When the worker needs to restart, it gets this document, and can operate on it. It’s a very important concept. The third concept with workflow history is a document that gets recorded on the server. If something fails, now I’ll zoom in to show, this is the history of a running workflow that has a failing activity. Its history instead of 17 steps is short, like 13 I think here. When I zoom in, you’ll see that that screenshot on the left-hand side shows that we’re currently at the step of trying to execute activity bar, and it’s the fourth attempt to execute it. The next attempt will happen in 3.79 seconds. You can see exactly where it’s running. Here it’d be more clear why we want to retry sometimes forever, or for a long time, because if we see this issue, and protocols change. We recall some other service, and they deploy a new version, and now somehow, it’s incompatible. This call will be stuck there. We can see, ok, here’s the error. I intentionally injected the error here. We can see that, ok, something is failing, we can fix our code, or they can fix their code, kill this worker, deploy in fixed version. It’ll continue from this step, the next retry will happen, and it’ll succeed, and it completes execution. You don’t have to go back and restart the whole process. You can continue. This is what I did here when I was creating the slides. I injected this era, and then I killed it, remove our injection, restarted, and it completed successfully. It’s a very important concept of this workflow replay, where we can go and continue for as long as we want.

Note that by recording steps on the server, we’re implicitly performing state management. These variables in our code, they’re like a, b, and c, a and b in particular, they effectively get recorded on the server by us recording inputs and outputs of every activity, because they can be reconstructed in memory at any point in time by having a workflow history. We get management of state for free for us. We didn’t need to write code to persist a in a database, or persist b in a database, it’s all there. Some applications choose to use the state facility as their main storage. Believe it or not, a service that handles loyalty points like Uber, it doesn’t record this in the database at all. Every Uber user like us, has a workflow like that, with their identity running, and it has loyalty points in that workflow, which is nowhere else in the database. If you think of it, that makes sense, because the whole history of this workflow is essentially an event source style persisted state of it, which is better than the single record in the database. Because of this replay functionality, if there’s a bug in the code that computed incorrectly, you can go and fix the bug and then reset workflow and replay, rerun your computations. It’s actually what happened several years ago, where there was a bug, and our users noticed that, my loyalty points are incorrect. They went back, fixed the bug, and we saved probably millions, if not hundreds of millions of workflows, replayed and fixed loyalty. It’s a very powerful concept. You see why we refer to this whole technology as durable execution, because our code is read in a happy path style, but as if it runs in some kind of ether, on the machines where all the state is persisted, will keep going forward. Killing machines, killing process doesn’t matter, we keep making progress, like in this durable, persistent way.

Time is an interesting concept, both in life and in computer systems. This is like a real-life business scenario, where we are handling people that subscribe to our service. They went in, they filled in the form, click submit, we got a request. We need to provision them in the system. Then what we wanted, our marketing department wanted, said, wait a week, and then see if the user performed any action, send them email with tips and tricks how to use the system better. If you detect that in a week, they haven’t done anything, send them a nudge email saying, you’ve not used, there are all these benefits of the system. Make this a simple statement. Very typical scenario. We can of course implement it without durable execution. We can have persistent timer. We can have handlers for this. When the timer fires, we need some distributed lock, make sure we don’t do it twice. I’ve done this. I’m sure many of you have done that. I don’t want to do that. Because I want to deal with this, spend my development cycles on that. Durable execution, it’s like normal code, like activity to provision user, and then notice this, we can do that workflow.Sleep for 7 days. I can put 30 days. I can put 365 days. It doesn’t matter, because this process, this workflow, it doesn’t need to stay in memory for 7 days. We can just evict from the cache, and then replay 7 days later. Because of this durability of execution, these delays or dealing with time becomes trivial. It’s literally like one line of code. Another typical scenario is processing statements, 1st of the month, you want to compute the bills and send to customers. Then after you’re done, you want to sleep until the next 1st of the month, or whatever the date is. Again, you can do it in this cycle, and that’s very easy to do. That’s what attracts these scenarios to durable execution model, because otherwise it’s very difficult.

If I go back to my mental picture, we managed to decompose or separate business logic from integrations, because we put them in activities and we separate it. In our core business logic workflow, we don’t have any logic that deals with any peculiarities of calling external systems. In fact, you can have domain expert writing business logic in the workflow code and have people that specialize in integrating with particular systems to write activities. Some of this code can even be autogenerated. For example, there is a project to generate a set of activities from the formal definition of AWS APIs. You get the full library of how to invoke a particular service, like EKS. That’s what I would argue moves us from smoothie architecture to this layered cake, where if we were to replace now our strawberry with cherry, we just go to workflow logic and change it. We don’t touch on the systems. We don’t deal with any error handling or state management. It just works. This is important to understand, this is the core of the model. I only covered the very core principles, because if you understand that, if you understand how it works, the rest just makes sense. Of course, there are many more features, and I’ll cover a few of them. These are the core concepts. They have business logic of workflow, where you have activities, and you have this machinery that does all retries and deal with failures for you, and manages state by recording every step.


Let’s look at some of the features, signals. Signals is a mechanism to interact with the running workflow, you can send a message to it. There are many scenarios that this empowers. It can be a thermostat sending temperature measurements, like every minute, every whatever interval to a workflow that manages this thermostat, manages the room, or the whole building, just keep sending messages. It can be coordination. Like you have a fanout where you try to process many files, but you also want to control how many of them are processed in parallel. They can send messages. The signals, of course, can send signals to each other. The third category is there is a human in the loop. The classic example is you do money transfer, and if it’s under $10,000, you just go and perform it. If it’s more than that, you want to run probably an activity or a child workflow to say, notify the approver, the user, and say, please review it and approve. Then when that approver receives this, and when they get to it, and they click button approve, that sends a signal to workflow and workflow can continue from that point and perform the transfer. Or if the user clicks decline, send a different signal and say, we don’t need to transfer this. Sending is a single line of code. As you can see, we need workflow ID, we need signal name. It’s very loosely typed business strings. You can send arguments there. Implementation is also simple. This is Go style because Go has support for channels, so it’s natural to create the channel and then receive on the channel. In other languages support like Java, or .NET. TypeScript, there’ll be a callback that you register. Of course, you would expect signals are recorded in the system, they are durable. The moment you send signal, you get ack back. That means it’s in the system. It will not be lost. It will not be like, not delivered. The delivery is very strong, and will get to the workflow.


Queries is the inverse of signals. This is when we want to ask a running workflow, give me some variable, something. It’s a read only operation, you cannot influence execution, you can only get values back. In my example of processing a bunch of files, it makes sense to query and ask, what is your progress? Are you 5% done? Are you 75% done, and get back the progress. That’s a mechanism for that. On the implementation side, you just register a function, say for this query name, essentially progress queries, it’s a string constant. It’s a type of a query. You can also pass arguments, and then you just function to do that. Very straightforward.

Data Converter

Many of you have dealt with security reviews, especially with financial institutions, in this area. I am not exaggerating. When you talk to them, when they explain how data converter works, they visibly relax, like you can see it on Zoom. They’re always tough, like [inaudible 00:28:54] people. When you explain how this feature works, they don’t get happy. They’re never happy, like these kinds of people. They relax, like, ok now I understand, I have less concerns. What is this? Because of this strong isolation, that application code doesn’t run on the server, because server only sends like tasks back and forth and receives commands. It doesn’t need to know what’s actually been executed or what arguments are. It can manage encrypted blobs, send them back and forth. You just record them in this database that, activity with this argument. Those arguments can be completely encrypted blobs. We can easily inject data converter before any communication happens with the server. Very trivial, very easy to verify. It’s actually even stronger than HTTP or TLS, because there’s no handshake. There is no agreement and encryption algorithm key, all is done on the application side: encryption, protocol, keys, any kind of length, rotation, completely under control of the application owner. That’s what makes those people very relaxed, and understand, actually, I can put this checkbox up. It’s safe to run. The interface, kind of what you’d expect. There’s couples of methods, the ToPayload, FromPayload, very trivial, again, very easy to understand how it works, for the single payload or for a group of payloads. ToString, that is for debugging, for human readable stuff. Injecting data converter is just part of the configuration of the dialer. It is a client that dials to the server. This is one of the parameters, set data converter, inject your own implementation, whatever it is.

Entity Workflows

Entity workflows, it’s technically not a feature, it’s just a pattern. It’s such a useful and powerful pattern, that it’s worth mentioning, in particular. Because the system provides this very strong guarantee that once you start a workflow with a particular ID, a second workflow with the same ID cannot be started. There’s very strong consistency guarantees that allow us to have these workflows that have physical or virtual entities as their identity. It can be user or user ID based on their email or phone number, UUID, or files, or machines, pods in the system, anything you want can be modeled at the workflow. With this one-to-one mapping from the entity workflow to actual physical or virtual entity, that makes it very easy to control access, and serialize and prevent any concurrency issues. Essentially, entity workflow, another name for it is actor workflow, because it satisfies the three criteria for actor. It completely encapsulates its own state. There is no way to get directly to it. It can receive or send messages, and it can start other workflows. Effectively, there’s actors. That’s what they call, actor workflows. I spent more than a decade working on actors, and I’m so happy that these concepts converge, because they all make sense. They help us to be scalable and safe with these isolated entities that can talk to each other, but they don’t cross access variables of each other’s state.


Of course, you’ll say, if everything is so great, where is the catch? Of course, there are tradeoffs. Everything in systems or in life, you have a tradeoff. What do you pay for this? One thing to keep in mind is roundtrips, because everything is persisted. There is constant communication with the server and database to record everything, make it durable. When I look at this model, when our CEO first described this idea back 13 years ago to me, I thought, it’s not easy, it’s too slow. If you keep going and recording everything, it’s never going to be fast. Now, we have very efficient storage, we have very fast databases, things are changing. It becomes very acceptable even for scenarios, like we have our customers implement human order of like Taco Bell, a pizza like Yum! Brands to do it. Or money transfer, there’s mobile apps that are powered by workflows, and they can just press the button and transfer money. These latencies are sufficient for these kinds of applications. There is more investment being done into making even more optimizations there, because you can speculatively execute and record success, instead of recording every step, there are some tricks that can be played there. Because of this durability, throughput of a single workflow is limited. If a roundtrip is 20 milliseconds, at the most we can run 50 operations per second. We can reduce our roundtrip to 10 milliseconds and we’ll still be 100. You cannot have high throughput workflows. You cannot have the synchronization point where all these files that you process, they talk through a single one to coordinate. That’s very anti-pattern. It’s a limitation. It also has a positive side because it forces you to decompose your state. It forces you to avoid these bottlenecks. It forces you to make things more scalable and more loosely coupled. I mentioned how history gets replayed by the worker if it restarts and it needs to continue. There is some practical limit to the size of history. It’s not just about data size, because we can cheaply store and pass in modern data centers, gigabytes of state and load them. There is practicality in replaying this. We don’t want to restart the workflow and replay it for minutes, even if we can get the state fast. There are limits in the system. The way you work around it, you essentially snapshot. At any point you can say, ok, I’m done. Let’s start a new incarnation on this workflow with this state that I had at the end. Instead of keeping it running forever. That’s the workaround.

The biggest limitation is determinism because this replay mechanism, we have to make sure every time we replay the same workflow logic, we get exact same results. You cannot use like a random normally, or get time, or get UUID generate. You have to use these syscalls and record as a side effect. You generate UUID, but through these special like syscalls, and then it gets recorded in history, when you replay, you get the same value, the same timestamp that you had in the first round. That’s not a trivial concept to keep in mind when you’re developing apps. Yet there are tools, there are all these validation checks, it’s all doable but it’s a tax. I think that’s the biggest tax that you pay. Versioning is a side effect of determinism. When you change your code, it’s not obvious to think that there may be workflows running, except like one or two or three, if you change your code. It’s mentally very difficult to figure this out. Again, there are workarounds for that. The feature is shipping, where running workflows can still be run against old version, and the new ones will run against new versions to help developers write safe code. These are the major tradeoffs. I’m sure there are other factors at play but determinism and its impact on versioning are the biggest.

Cloud Native Key Principles

If I go back to the cloud native key principles there, does durable execution help with scalability? For sure. Because you partition your application to these individual things that run, and they’re not attached to any memory space or machine, they can be distributed across a cluster of machines that don’t care how big the cluster is. Fault tolerance, I think, no question. That’s the big thing that goes around. Loosely coupled, I think to a particular degree. The interface between workflow is very forgiving. You start a workflow with parameters, and that’s it. You don’t need to have even like strong interfaces between systems. Because of this determinism constraint, you have to still be a little bit careful. In fact, we realized our industry lacks any standard for invoking an operation that may take an arbitrarily long period of time. We have async. When I call something, I can say await. It assumes that it’s still in the process when an operation completes, I’m still up and I get a response back. What if I want to start something that will complete next week? There is no standard for that.

We’re in conversation with industry to establish this kind of standard for this, we call them Arbitrary Long Operation, ALO. Fast evolving, I would say neutral, because on the one hand, we removed a lot of code that you don’t need to write anymore. That definitely boosts productivity and makes developers happy. We’ve seen testimonies, people say I don’t want to write code any other way anymore. At the same time when they need to learn about determinism and versioning, that almost balances it out. I would not claim that we help with evolution, really.

Primary Concerns

The primary role of durable execution addresses these primary concerns that we have to deal with when we deal with cloud native systems. We separated the business logic from integrations, from state management, kind of got state management for free. Failure handling is all across the stack. I think, in my opinion, durable execution provides a holistic solution to the problem. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it’s a consistent thought through approach to solving this class of problems. If we step back from computer science perspective, you could say there is nothing new here. All these things have been around for decades, so like the workflows, timers, all these concepts are there. What I think is important here is that all these primitives and mechanisms that have been known, they’re put together in a consistent developer experience. That’s actually been my interest for a long time. I’ve heard people saying that this is the new programming paradigm. Personally, I don’t think I subscribe to that. I think it’s still a programming model. It’s still an approach. Programming model is how I think we think about our problems, how we conceptualize the application we build. How we approach the systems we need to build. This, I think, is a very useful programming model from that perspective. I believe that 75% of software can be built this way. Because, if you think like, pretty much any piece of code that is worth anything, it has a series of steps, and it needs to deal with some other systems. If something just computes locally, that’s not that interesting, that anybody can write it. This piece of code that deals with other systems, integrates with other APIs, they’re everywhere. If you want to do home automation, if you want to do anything, you need to program. It’s a sequence of steps that you need to get to a particular result reliably without you writing a lot of code around. That was the reason why I left my otherwise comfortable job at Microsoft and joined a startup, because I believe that this is a very powerful concept.

Questions and Answers

Bykov: Carefully test and make sure that your new version is compatible. You can take histories of running workflows and run tests again. There are test kits that automate that, to make sure that your new code runs consistently with the previous version. The other approach, as I mentioned, is to just split and say, new version is used for new workflows, and then keep these versions running for a long time, side-by-side, and then shut down what is not needed any more.

Participant 1: You made the comments about UUIDs, for example. What goes wrong, like let’s say kind of I just created a random UUID, and then go and replay some of the activities. Help me understand a little more where that breaks the framework.

Bykov: For example, many KPIs support request ID. To make sure there’s idempotency, you as a caller pass request ID. If I need to generate the UUID to pass to this call, if I generate it, then pass and make one call, and then during replay, I generate a new ID and call it again. That would be a disaster potentially, if I made 2 requests and I assume I maybe made 10 requests, I assume I made only 1. That one example comes to mind. Anything like addressing, if I created some resource with that ID, and I don’t remember anymore, it’s there because my UUID changed.

Participant 2: My question is more about from the developer on the field. Let’s say that in a code base, where multiple developers are developing at the same time. Let’s say that they’re talking to the same database, I’m curious to learn like, how are you avoiding that they’re not stepping on each other, let’s say that they are trying to bring the recording to the database table. Let’s say both of the developers are trying to do the same thing, because it’s running in the cloud when you say execute workflow, is it going to the server in the cloud, and then using secondary state, which is common.

Bykov: Let me layer it a little bit. State that is part of execution is handled by the server. The server, if it’s open source, you can run it anywhere you want, or you can use a cloud-based solution where it’s done for you. The execution state, you don’t deal with it at all, like directly, you cannot touch it. It’s not like two developers can change it. That’s clean. If in your application code you also go and write to some database, that’s of course possible, so you have two workflows that try to update the same database. This is where you need some synchronization, whether you use durable execution, or you write the same code in a traditional way. You need some synchronization to prevent mutation of the same state, some concurrency control. You can do it in many different ways. In durable execution, you can have a guardian for the database, or for that record. Entity workflow is actually a good guardian, for the state of this entity, that it never gets mutated in parallel. Actors use the same way. You have the actor per entity, and then that guarantees that you don’t have concurrency in trying to update state.

Participant 3: When we deal easily with external system integrations, whenever an external system calls us, we call external systems. They’re not necessarily made in an async way. You have synchronization DB requests that you have to do to external systems. Is there any guidelines about like how you should deal with those kinds of things, where your activity gets stopped, because you just don’t send and get signal back, because of those external strength runners.

Bykov: The call to external system you implement with an activity because you go into some other system, but then you have full control like of timeout. You’re essentially defining policy. You can say, for this call, I don’t want to wait to take more than 2 seconds. I want to retry it three times but no more. You’re in full control of how particular activities should run. Again, like you don’t write code for that, you define a policy, which is just a piece of data.

Participant 4: I have a question about the workflow history or version that you mentioned. For example, like you’re receiving one request, and then it keeps on failing, like, it’s fundamentally failing, unless we put a second request to the new structure, which is working, then that can be processed successfully. What happens to the failing ones, how that history is maintained, replicated. What are best practices around that?

Bykov: The system automatically records the failure information in the history. It doesn’t keep adding like 100 failures, it records the last failure, the number, the count, and retry. You’re not going to fail whole history with failing of a single activity that failed 100 times. Because you’re interested in like, how many times it failed and the last error, usually.

Participant 5: What’s the best practice for doing dependencies in languages like Python? Within a third-party library in Python, [inaudible 00:47:58]?

Bykov: There is support for Python. There is a Python SDK. You can write workflows and activities in Python. They play by Python rules. That’s what’s nice about this model. It’s in the language that you all do use. It doesn’t move you to a different language. I’m not a Python expert, but imagine whatever dependency like system works, that it will continue to work with the SDK included.

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