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Redis Comprehensive Guide for Data Scientists-

MMS Founder

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Online database Database Easy access locally using your local network or the internet. An online database provides Software as a Service (SaaS) in a web browser because it is hosted on a website through a cloud model instead of storing data directly on the desktop and the storage connected to it. These web-based applications may be free or may require payment, typically as monthly and annual subscriptions. You pay for what you use. Therefore, the amount of server space required can be changed accordingly.

Everything is kept in the cloud, eliminating the hassle of installing the entire software. Information is always accessible from almost any device. Everything is stored in the cloud, so you don’t have to be tied to just one computer. Technically, data can be retrieved from any compatible device as long as access is granted. Such databases also come with in-house technical support, which provides services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Some examples of such databases Oracle databaseNotorious as IBM Db2 Amazon DynamoDB..

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What is Redis?

Redis, also known as the Remote Dictionary Server, is an ultra-fast, open source, in-memory key-value data store created for use as a database, cache manager, message broker, and queue. All Redis data resides in memory and is inconsistent with other databases that store data on disks or SSDs. In-memory data stores such as Redis avoid response time delays and access microseconds of data because they do not need to access disks. This allows Redis to support mapped key-value-based strings to store and retrieve data in parallel with the data models supported by traditional types of databases, while others such as lists and sets. Means that it also supports complex data structures in.

Key features of Redis include versatile data structures, high availability, geospace, Lua scripts, transaction management, on-disk persistence, cluster support, and easy to teach in real-time, Internet-scale apps. I will. Redis is a type of database commonly referred to as NoSQL or Non-relational. Therefore, Redis has no table or database definition method for associating Redis data with other data. Ultimately needed because Redis replaces common relational databases and other primarily on-disk databases, avoiding unnecessary temporary data writes and eliminating the need to scan and delete entire temporary data. Performance is improved.

How does Redis work?

Redis works by mapping keys to values ​​using some kind of predefined data model. It also divides the data into different parts using a method called sharding. Splits the data based on the ID embedded in the key, the hash of the key, or a combination of the two. Partitioning data allows you to store and fetch data from multiple machines, allowing you to linearly scale the performance of certain problematic domains.

Due to its in-memory design, Redis works very well in the most uncertain situations, but if you need Redis to handle more read queries than a single Redis server can handle. there is. Therefore, Redis supports master / slave server instance replication to support read performance and faster processing of server failures where Redis is running.

Redis supports master / slave server instance replication. In this replication, the slave connects to the master and receives an initial copy of the entire database. Therefore, when the master writes data, it is also sent to all connected slaves and updated in real time. Continuously updated slaves allow clients to connect to any slave to read data in the event of a crash or connectivity issue with the master server. It can also be combined with another database to reduce the load.

Supported data types

Some of the data types supported by Redis are:

  • String: You can manipulate whole or part of the string to increment / decrement integers and floating point numbers.
  • List: You can push or pop items from both ends, read individual or multiple items, and use values ​​to find and delete items.
  • Sets and Sorted Sets: Allows you to add, fetch, delete, check membership, intersect, unions and variances for individual and random items
  • Hash: Add, fetch, remove items, or fetch the entire hash

Which languages ​​does Redis support?

Redis simplifies your code by reducing the number of lines of code to store, access, and use the data in your application. With multiple supported data structures, you can store data in a data store with just a few lines of code and come with options for manipulating and manipulating the data. Developers using Redis have access to over 100 open source clients.

The supported languages ​​are:

  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • C, C ++ and C #
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Ruby
  • R
  • More when you go.

Redis High Availability and Scalability

Redis provides primary replication of the architecture in a single node primary or cluster topology. This allows users to build highly available solutions and maintain consistent performance and reliability. In addition, there are many options available for adjusting the cluster size, which can be scaled up or scaled in or out. This gives users the flexibility to grow their cluster according to their needs and uses.

Caching with Redis

Redis is a great option for implementing highly available in-memory caches to reduce data access latency and increase throughput. This is because Redis can deliver frequently requested data items in milliseconds. Caching is the process of storing a similar copy of a file in a temporary storage location for immediate access. Technically, a cache is a temporary storage location for a copy of a file or data, but the term is often used in connection with Internet technology. Database queries allow you to cache caches, persistent session caches, web page caches, and frequently requested objects such as images, files, and metadata. Therefore, these are common examples of caching with Redis. With the ability to specify how long data is retained and what data to delete first, Redis enables a set of intelligent caching patterns.

Expiration and deletion of data using Redis

Redis data structures can be tagged as Time to Live and set in seconds accordingly. It is then deleted from the database. You can choose from a set of configurable eviction policies. Time to Live allows you to create a hierarchical hierarchy of memory objects because you can consider non-persistent marked data before other data that does not have Time to Live. It makes much more sense to delete the least recently used or least used objects.

Redis geospatial features

Redis contains a wealth of geospatial index data structures and commands to use. These built-in memory data structures and operators help you manage real-time geospatial data on a large scale and at high speed. For example, latitude and longitude coordinates are saved, allowing users to calculate distances between objects and query objects within a specific radius of a point. Implementing these commands returns values ​​in multiple formats, such as feet and kilometers.

Redis speed allows you to update these data points quickly. Therefore, it can be implemented in ride-sharing applications to connect with nearby drivers and provide real-time updates as drivers move when used properly.

Some Redis use cases

Modern database applications require machine learning to quickly process large amounts of fast-moving data, making Redis a potential savior for such fast-moving operations. Redis is ideal for these use cases because it allows you to process, build, train, and deploy machine learning models through faster processing. Redis can also be used with steam solutions such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis to capture and process real-time data with low latency. It can also be used for social media analytics, ad targeting, personalization and IoT.

Use of Redis

For demonstration purposes, I implemented the following code on the Redis website via the tutorial UI. You can implement the following code on your system by installing the Redis-CLI.You can download the CLI from the link Here..

Key settings

As an example, first set the server name to “victor” and the key to “Hello World”.

> SET victor "HELLO WORLD"

If the key is set, the next output is[OK]Will be obtained as.


Get the key

To get the set key, use the following command:

> GET victor


Delete key

You can use the following command to delete the key you created.

>> >> DEL victor

(integer) 1 #key got deleted

Mutual verification of results

Related item

>> >> GET victor


Therefore, you can be sure that the key has been permanently deleted.

Setting a key with a lifetime

You can also set a key with an expiration date. The time is set in seconds and the key is removed from the server after the set time.

 > SETEX victor 40 "I said, Hello World!"
 #key set with 40 seconds as time limit
Confirmation of duration

You can also check the remaining time from the set time to the expiration.

>> >> TTL victor

(integer) 36

Rename the key

You can rename the key using the following command:

 > RENAME victor bar  #renaming victor as bar
Flash the key

Flash everything saved so far.

> flushall

OK #just got flushed


Through this article, I tried to understand what Redis is and what Redis can do. I also investigated its use case and ran basic Redis database commands to try to see its functionality. Redis is optimized to provide high-performance and efficient reads and writes. Therefore, it is advisable to investigate the Redis database further and implement it for its vast functionality.

Happy learning!


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